Sunday, December 31, 2017

Job Expectations

I've had real jobs before in that I've worked for money, sometimes even enough money to pay all my bills. However, I feel that my new job in pest control is my first really real job in that it includes all the stereotypes I expected from adult life.

First of all, I work regular weekday hours, and outside of those hours I don't do company work. Waking up early is part of the bargain, but I've read somewhere that adults don't need as much sleep, so I should be good.

Secondly, I am now in a system of payroll deductions, taxes, and benefits that is surprisingly enjoyable to navigate (mostly because I am not in crisis at the moment). I'm sure I'll have even more fun in the upcoming tax season.

The last element I am waiting for is a conversation with co-workers by the water-cooler. I know this is possible because we have a water-cooler, and since I've already had conversations in the same room as said cooler, it's only a matter of time before I enter a conversation directly adjacent to the device.

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