Friday, February 7, 2014

Limerick vs Paragraph

I was going to write a couple paragraphs about my Chemistry exam today, but I realized that everything I was saying could be summed up in a limerick:

There once was an Emory cheese
Who thought that to save all the trees
All desks should be smaller
But this means that scholars
Must supplement desks with their knees

Things were more politically correct and well-informed in paragraph format, but an interesting thing about limericks seems to be that there's not much beating around the bush. It's also hard to just write one, and as I go on, the quality decreases on an exponential scale.

There once was a fellow named Clyde
Who had an unfortunate stride
His legs were so stiff
That he tripped off a cliff
And fell to the bottom and lived to marry happily and raise a family of five

At this point, it's probably best to call it a day.

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