Saturday, August 30, 2014

University Bookstore

O thou bookstore, where we with humble tread
Do go to be thus overcharged
From whence grow these textbooks' daunting prices?
What reason creates costs so increased?

Dost thou think we remembereth not the internet?
Have the pages of decayed?
Why are thy prices multiplied twofold?
Why dost thou offer less to buy back a textbook?

The mindful student perceives that a book required is authored
By the self-same instructor who textbook required
We weep to see it only available at the bookstore
It does not grace the halls of the internet;
Yea, it is not available on
Does this author get royalties from a purchase so forced?

Dost thou not see the ruin of Borders?
O, Barnes & Noble mighty, head you not down the same path?
Dost thou not see Borders' bookstore standing in decay?
It was overcome; the internet has thrown down its pillars

Despite all this, we students forget not the idea of a profit margin
For the wise speak truly when they say, "Barnes & Noble has to make money somehow."
Wisely speak the elders when they say, "Just deal with it."
But sorrow still remains in the halls of the bookstore

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