Thursday, February 5, 2015

A Gnu Way of Doing Cereal

I bought the most environmentally friendly cereal today. It's made by Nature's Path Organic and is called 'Envirokidz Peanut Butter Panda Puffs'. Instead of the usual simple puzzle or maze on the back of the cereal box, there's an assortment of facts about Pandas and their habitat, along with the encouragement to 'be an envirokid'.

That's not all. Not only is this cereal gluten free, it's entirely wheat free. The whole grain corn, peanuts, and soy that did go into the making of these puffs were not genetically modified and are free of synthetic herbicides and pesticides.

There's a hearty endorsement on one side of the box that I thought was from a satisfied customer, but it was merely the founder of Nature's Path Organic recommending his own cereal.

The nutrition facts, required by the FDA for packaged foods, are calculated using skim milk as the supplement to the cereal.

The box, made of 100% recycled paperboard, is small as cereal boxes go, containing approximately 10 servings. With all the organic goodness contained within its cardboard walls, though, the price sits at a cool $6.19. That's no need for concern, though-- 1% of the cereal's sales go to 'help the planet'.

Frankly, I'm impressed that one product can hit so many health food cliches. I may not make Peanut Butter Panda Puffs a regular part of my diet, but the fact that such a cereal exists brings a smile to my face. It's the best purchase I've made this week.

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