Friday, March 2, 2018

Generic Cereal

When I first started grocery shopping on my own, one of the things that surprised me most was how expensive most cereal was; you could shell out four dollars for a box that empties surprisingly quickly, especially if you have a big bowl.

From the ingredients, you wouldn't think cereal has a reason to be expensive, and the existence of generic cereals bears this point out. All the major cereal brands have been imitated at about half the price, and the sweetness of saving money balances any taste difference in my mind. The most extremely generic cereal I've had is Tesco Everyday Value Cornflakes, costing a staggering 31 pence for a 500g box. Either the UK government subsidizes basic foodstuffs or Kellogg's is printing money with their $3.99 cornflake option.

To top it all off, I find the names of generic cereals very endearing. Toasty-Os and Fruity-Os top the list of my favorite cereal names, followed by the lengthy names describing the shape and material of well-known brands (chocolate rice clumps and so on). There's always more to say on the topic of generics, but for now I'm off to enjoy a bowl of Honey Nut Toasted Oats Cereal.

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