Monday, March 19, 2018

Fast and Slow

Some weeks go by fast, others seem to last forever. What makes the difference?

I remember noticing this effect on vacations when I was in middle school. If we went somewhere, the first day would stretch on and on, the second day would be a bit faster, and things would keep speeding up until it was all over. If this is true, it could be novelty that makes time seem slower; if there's more interesting stuff going on, each event is remembered as special and unique, but when habits take over and each day is the same, time flies by with any bumps.

In the past few years, I've created many time bumps for myself by going to new places and doing new things, and there certainly are a lot of memories to fill out those years. I hope that as I go forward I can keep finding ways to find novelty and treat each day as something precious.

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