Thursday, December 12, 2013

Job Applications

Hey, Chris here. Over the past couple months, I've probably applied for about twenty freelance video game journalism jobs, and I'm beginning to pick up some patterns in the wording of job posts. Here are a few of my favorites and what they mean:

"We are a rapidly growing website" = "We just started up and hardly have any visitors"
"You will gain valuable experience" = "Don't expect to get paid"
"We have a friendly environment" = "You'll probably have to edit your own articles"
"As the site grows, opportunities for payment will arise" = "Don't get your hopes up"
"We are dedicated to high-quality writing" = "We actually have an editor"
"Review copies will be available" = "We sometimes get indie games for free"

To be fair, I've only been working with sites like this for two months, and it is possible that bundles of money start rolling in around the third month. Overall, I've greatly enjoyed doing freelance writing, though there was that one time an editor added a grammar mistake to my article.

As an aside, my character in Skyrim has just enrolled in the College of Winterhold (CoW?). Here's a picture of his dorm room:

I have to say it's a bit larger than my room in reality. Much more grim, though-- that's a human skull on the bedside table.

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